Security and productivity go hand in hand

Reducing the number of spam e-mails, limit access to web sites that have no correlation with business interests and eliminating downtime caused by virus/trojan infection can bring great savings to your company. There are many examples of companies that lost large sums of money due to unproductive Internet usage and downtime. With Auxilio Security you will not have to worry about it anymore.

Antivirus and antispam filteringAntispam Antivirus

Auxilio Security eliminates spam and viruses from your e-mails using an array of filters that guarantee a high efficiency without loss of important messages.

Web filteringWeb Filtering

To block access to web sites not in line with your company's policies reduces the time spent in unproductive activities and the amount of Internet bandwidth your company may require. It also reduces the risk of that unauthorised actions may carry that could be a virus infection of the PC used or the download of materials that can result in legal actions aganinst the business owner.