Remote access to data and PCs

Access to remote data or desktops has become a common necessity for a growing number of companies of any size as there is an increased need of having branch offices and home workers.

Auxilio Security satisfies the needs of remote workers and of companies that need to interconnect their branch offices in a simple and cost effective way.

Personal remote accessVPN SSL

There are different methods to connect to the office while visiting customers or to putting the final touches to documents from the home office. To simply open some documents from a web folder you could use Auxilio Collaboration's built in feature or to see on your PC your file server's network share you could install an IPSec client and connect to Auxilio Security. Another simpler method is to use the built in SSL VPN feature which will allow you to reach your shares, web applications and even work on the desktop of your PCs from wherever you are using a simple web browser.

Branch Office VPNBranch Office VPN

Connecting 2 or more offices togheter using simple ADSL lines is very simple and cost effective. The secure connections provided by Auxilio Security allows you to share resources between offices that could be thousands of miles apart and to replicate the documents present in each branch office with a central repository to improve the speed of access to those documents and to keep security copies where there is a centralised backup service running.